Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

jeudi 9 avril 2015

One day in Salem - by Alfred and Janika

Today we met as usual in the morning at BLS and then we went by train to the central train station and take the Commuter Rail to go to Salem, the historical world known witch city. We almost past the train but we ran and get it at the last minute. In the train we all offered the birthday gift to Mme Audhuy for her birthday. It was a Red Sox t-shirt that we all signed. 

When we arrived there we all took a donut that the teachers offered us.

Salem is the city of witches: do you remember Tabatha from Bewitched?

After this second breakfast we walked to the witch museum were there was a presentation about one of the first cases of witchcraft. They explained how this whole story was born. In a second part a woman showed us the evolution of witches through time.

After some free time in a small shopping mall, where we had lunch we went  to the Old Town Hall to see " Cry Innocent ", a play of 40min that tells the story of Bridget Bishop, a woman who in 1692 was accused of witchcraft and the funny thing is that the spectators were involved in the play, we participated. We were the puritans who assisted the trial and at the end we had to choose if Bridget was guilty or not.

At the end of the play we interviewed the actors. Almost all of them were student that played in this 22 years old play just as a second job. They explained that they every day exchange their role in the play between them and that during the summer they can even reach 8 representations per day. They said that they choose the particular example of Brigitte Bishop because they had the more information when they wrote the play. They told that the puritans used to write everything down and that's why they had so many informations. 
After that, before taking the train, we could have a Dunkin Donuts'drink !

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