Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

mardi 7 avril 2015

Museum of Fine Arts - by Célia

Monday, April 6th

Today the French students went to the Museum of Fine Arts, one of the biggest museums in the USA. It has opened in 1876 and is set in Huntington Avenue in Boston.

When we arrived, our teacher Mme Audhuy divided us in two groups for the guided tour and the activities.
The museum is split up into several sections. We visited the part of the Art of the Americas, the Art of Europe and the Art of Japan and China. Each section includes expositions of different artistic movements such as Abstract Expressionism for example. Our guide showed us different works of art such as "Rising Star" (Burhan Dogançay, 2009), "The great wave off Kanagawa" ( Hokusai, 1831) or "Red Disaster" ( Andy Warhol, 1963). She asked us what do we see on the different paintings. The purpose of these art works is to convey a message. 

After the guided tour every student made his own painting. We only had a piece of canvas, a pair of scissors and some tape to our disposal but we made great paintings and we had a lot of fun!

( photos to come)

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