Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

jeudi 2 avril 2015

American food - part 1 by Rachel

Food :
On the plane we had food, good food ? Maybe not the best but for a "flying food", it was really good. We had salad, semolina, pea and chicken. As desserts we had pineapple and cake. 
The American Food :
The 1st of April, the Boston Latin school served us breakfast : Donets, muffins, cake,... No fruits but orange juce and iced coffee in big bottles.
Thanks to a project named Youth Can, the cafeteria got a fountain of water. Victor and I (Rachel) interviewed some students about the food, Lisa a 17 years old BLS student doesn't eat at all at midday and says that the food isn't healthy.
Jordan, also 17 eats the food of the cafeteria and finds it " OK". Ada, 17 years old brings food from home because in BLS students can't leave school during lunch.
The cafeteria is free for all the students but these 3 students we interviewed confirm that most of them bring food from home every day. Only Fridays, the cafeteria offers Pizza.
Hamburger is their typical kind of food, says Ada.
At the question "Is the food healthy?" they all smiled and said no. The only healthy food is in the "salad bar" but the salads are so small that it's not enough.
The American people don't have regular times to eat. Whenever they are hungry they eat snakes. ( note from Mrs Auduy, that mistake is so cute I'll leave it;-)
Bonding with US students from YOUTHCAN club
the cafeteria was closed when we were there but this is what the kitchen looks like
amazing, colorful cookies!
Plane food...really not too bad and there was a vegetarian meal on the menu so everyone was happy!
everything's bigger so fruit juice comes by the gallon
tables at the cafeteria
 water fountains everywhere! so convenient!

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