Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

jeudi 2 avril 2015


The 31st of March, the French exchange students started a wonderful journey.

The meeting point in the morning was at AIR FRANCE (left from the train station) at 8.30 a.m. Time to say goodbye to our parents. We waited for the train by taking pictures, eating,... At 9.45 a.m. the train to Paris picked us up. The time passed and we arrived at Paris without noticing it because of our passionate conversations about the trip. At midday we were at the airport. Unfortunately we couldn't see the Eiffel Tour but what is the Eiffel Tour compared to Boston in the USA ?!!
We had 3 hours free time and we passed it in little groups. Some where looking for food, others played Piano or drew on their travel book. Well, the time passed quickly too...

After 10 minutes waiting, we finally were in the plane who had the mission to bring us to Boston.
7 hours in the plane! That wasn't easy at all but we finally made it. Some succeeded by watching films over films, others by interviewing the captain (for 1 hour and a half) and a few by sleeping. 
Excited to walk on the american ground, we didn't notice that 2 of us were in trouble... They lost their passport on the plane... These 2 students were lucky, it took Miss Audhuy and 1 hour of patience to be allowed to stay in the USA without passport. ( note from Mrs AUDHUY: do not worry, everything is taken care of, we're in contact with the consulates)
At 9.00 p.m. we all were in our families, glad to be on the ground and in comfortable beds

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