Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

mardi 7 avril 2015

One afternoon with JFKennedy - by Hélène

Today, after we had lunch at the «tasty burger» (sooo good !!)

, we went to the JFK library, which is the presidential library but also museum of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (president of the USA from 1961 to 1963). The building, built in 1977, was designed by the famous architect Ieoh Ming Pei.

When we arrived there, we first watched a movie about Kennedy's life, from his little childhood to his election, in 1961. Then, we went through many rooms, built just like the inside of the white house. Each of them was dedicated to one important side or subject of Kennedy's life. For example, one of the rooms was about the Cuban Crisis, another one was about Freedom 7, the first American rocket which brought a man into the universe. The mission was charted by Kennedy, so that he really got involved in it. A piece of the rocket was even seeable in the museum !  We were also able to see the dress that his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, wore at the gala given for André Malraux, and a copy of his famous desk... and so much more !

 Jaqueline Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle

 we saw reconstitutions of his campaign headquarters...

 a reconstitution of the Oval Office at the White House as it was at the time

Interview (with an American museum visitor) :
Me : «What do you think about John F. Kennedy, do you think he was a good president ?
Visitor : To my opinion, he was the best president America has ever had.
Me : Interesting ! Why do you think so ?
Visitor : I think so because he got involved in a lot projects, and when he was interested in something, he would always give 100% of himself to make it led.
Me : Do you have a concrete example of one of those projects you are talking about ?
Visitor : Yes. He was the first president to fight for desegregation. He supported its victims and tried to make the people change their mentality about coloured citizens.
Me : Yes, that's true, he was really combative for equal rights. Maybe you have another example ?
Visitor : Sure. Kennedy created the «Peace Corps Projects». Those projects were meant to help poor people all over the world. For the third one, the president sent 300 men to the Philippines, for example.
Me : Thank you ! A last question : what is your opinion on such places like the JFK library ?
Visitor : I think they are very important, very helpful to know a little more about such a famous man, because we can't get to his private life and reach his thoughts better than in a place like that one.»

1 commentaire:

  1. C'est dommage ! On ne peut pas voir les photos des deux derniers articles ! :-)
