Ponto BLS

Ponto BLS

dimanche 5 octobre 2014


Welcome to our blog about our trip to Boston and exchange with our friends from Boston Latin School!
Here you will be able to follow our adventures and read our interviews.

First, we would like to acknowledge and  thank all the people and the institutions who have supported this exchange:
- Mrs Carole Lapointe for organizing everything and making this exchange such a wonderful opportunity to learn about another culture and discover the world
- her students and their families for welcoming us in their home and giving us a taste of the American way of life
- Mrs Quelen and Mrs Mooney Teta, principals of Lycée des Pontoniers and Boston latin School, for their active support and enthusiasm
- Mrs Thomas, our school 's burser, for her amazing help in dealing with financial matters
- the City of Strasbourg and the Association Alsace-Etats-Unis, for their generous contribution to our trip and for welcoming our Bostonian friends at the city hall in February
- the Credit Mutuel Enseignant, and in particular Mrs Imbs, who have generously offered to take in charge all the fees linked to international money transfers.

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